Inflight Experience China Summit
7 December 2023
Shanghai, China
- Gain insight into global inflight trends and the latest developments
- Revolutionize passenger inflight experience and services
- Meet 35+ airlines and 180+ industry experts
卫讯公司(Viasat)是一家全球性通信公司,我们正在构建超大容量的全球卫星宽带网络。我们为满足未来网络需求而生,为家庭用户、商业客户、航空公司、海事运输带来高速、高价值、高质量的全覆盖通信服务,让您在地面、海洋、天空都能体验一样顺畅的上网服务。 今天的乘客不仅期望在飞行的同时能够上网冲浪,他们还期望获得与在地面上同样品质的上网体验。通过提供不间断的,“不折不扣的”空中互联网体验,我们帮助航空公司发现新的机会,在提升旅客忠诚度、运营效率的同时创造营收。我们通过最前沿的技术和优质的内容,帮助航空公司将其对机载通信设备的投资转换为实际收入,并提供与众不同的机舱体验。在全球,我们已经与近20家领先的航空公司达成合作,为2,000多架飞机提供高速机载互联网服务。 在中国,我们与重要的合作伙伴中国卫通(ChinaSatcom)紧密合作,将全球最佳的机载互联网技术和服务带给中国,在这一生机勃勃的市场中推动现代化和创新,为经验丰富的中国旅客提供无与伦比的空中互联网体验。
Viasat is a global communications company building the ultimate global satellite broadband network—offering high-speed, high-value and high-quality connectivity service. Viasat ensures consumers, businesses, airlines, and maritime have communications access- anywhere- on the ground, at sea, or in-flight. We build for the demands of the future, not only delivering a great internet experience today, but also future proofing for tomorrow’s internet. Today’s passengers don’t just expect connectivity in the air – they expect a connected experience that mirrors what they’re accustomed to on the ground. We help airlines discover new ways to increase passenger loyalty, maximize operational efficiencies and generate revenues by delivering a consistent, ‘no compromise’ IFC experience. Our unmatched technology and premium content allow airlines to monetize their IFC investments and offer a differentiated in-flight cabin experience. Around the world, we’re proud to provide high-speed on-board network services for over 2,000 aircraft from nearly 20 leading airlines. Our important partnership with China Satcom enables us to bring the best IFC technology and services available globally to China, driving modernization and innovation in one of the world’s most ambitious markets, and offering an unprecedented in-flight experience for sophisticated Chinese travelers.
卫讯公司(Viasat)是一家全球性通信公司,我们正在构建超大容量的全球卫星宽带网络。我们为满足未来网络需求而生,为家庭用户、商业客户、航空公司、海事运输带来高速、高价值、高质量的全覆盖通信服务,让您在地面、海洋、天空都能体验一样顺畅的上网服务。 今天的乘客不仅期望在飞行的同时能够上网冲浪,他们还期望获得与在地面上同样品质的上网体验。通过提供不间断的,“不折不扣的”空中互联网体验,我们帮助航空公司发现新的机会,在提升旅客忠诚度、运营效率的同时创造营收。我们通过最前沿的技术和优质的内容,帮助航空公司将其对机载通信设备的投资转换为实际收入,并提供与众不同的机舱体验。在全球,我们已经与近20家领先的航空公司达成合作,为2,000多架飞机提供高速机载互联网服务。 在中国,我们与重要的合作伙伴中国卫通(ChinaSatcom)紧密合作,将全球最佳的机载互联网技术和服务带给中国,在这一生机勃勃的市场中推动现代化和创新,为经验丰富的中国旅客提供无与伦比的空中互联网体验。
Viasat is a global communications company building the ultimate global satellite broadband network—offering high-speed, high-value and high-quality connectivity service. Viasat ensures consumers, businesses, airlines, and maritime have communications access- anywhere- on the ground, at sea, or in-flight. We build for the demands of the future, not only delivering a great internet experience today, but also future proofing for tomorrow’s internet. Today’s passengers don’t just expect connectivity in the air – they expect a connected experience that mirrors what they’re accustomed to on the ground. We help airlines discover new ways to increase passenger loyalty, maximize operational efficiencies and generate revenues by delivering a consistent, ‘no compromise’ IFC experience. Our unmatched technology and premium content allow airlines to monetize their IFC investments and offer a differentiated in-flight cabin experience. Around the world, we’re proud to provide high-speed on-board network services for over 2,000 aircraft from nearly 20 leading airlines. Our important partnership with China Satcom enables us to bring the best IFC technology and services available globally to China, driving modernization and innovation in one of the world’s most ambitious markets, and offering an unprecedented in-flight experience for sophisticated Chinese travelers.
IFECS is an international summit and B2B networking event that focuses on redefining the overall inflight passenger experience and services.
Learn from industry experts, share your challenges, showcase your products, engage with your peers on catering & hospitality, IFE/IFEC, inflight retail & commercial, digital & technology, inflight services, cabin interiors & design, sustainability through inspirational presentations, intense panel discussion, extensive network breaks and dynamic exhibition.
Agenda in brief